
Featured services

The fields on which we have given our servies.

Golden Whitegate works with entrepreneurial businesses of all sizes. What gives us most satisfaction is taking on an ambitious business and helping it to rise up and become one of our major clients. We have the skills and experience to help you take your business forward, giving you the focused support that developing businesses need.

Audit & Assurance

Assurance and advice are at the heart of what Golden Whitegate firms do.


Golden Whitegate makes complex tax issues simple for you


We offer several in-house accounting services so that you can focus on what you do

Risk Services

An effective risk management strategy never slows down an organisation

BEE Verifications

We have several IRBA accredited BEE auditors among our network firms

Secretarial Services

We understand the importance of corporate governance and the demands

Wealth Management

Planning and managing your long-term wealth can have wide-ranging legal and tax

Fixed Asset Management

We understand that exercising controls and having insight into your asset management