Fixed Asset Management

Fixed Asset Management

We understand that exercising controls and having insight into your asset management environment limits loss and unwanted costs to your business. Our team of specialist are passionate about evolving your asset management environment to support your business, ensure compliance, improve controls, and maximise the asset lifecycle. We specialise in:

  • Fixed Asset Management Technology
  • Fixed Asset Register Audit Services
  • Fixed Asset Register Consolidation & Reconciliation Services
  • Other Services

Fixed Asset Management Technology

Our cloud-based system allows for a decentralised approach to the management of your company’s assets. It provides informed reporting at an executive level. Functionality is designed for ease of use and is rich in operational features, to manage your asset management lifecycle.

Fixed Asset Register Audit Services

Our fixed asset audits take on various shapes and sizes depending on the client requirements. Whether it is a baseline tag and build or a verification of a current register, our team has the skills and experience to ensure the final audit register is complete in every aspect, transferring skill as we progress for sustainability.

Fixed Asset Register Consolidation & Reconciliation services

Our reconciliation service provides a one stop service from asset audit to the reconciliation of the asset register to comply with financial regulation and legislation. Tasks include life reviews, reconciling items, adjusting journals, audit assistance and notes to financial statements.

Other services

Fixed Asset Valuation – Fair market valuation on assets with no historical records

Barcodes – We provide a wide range of barcode tags or high security labels that can be used to tag, trace, and identify assets in your business.

Still have you any problem for solutions?

For any inquiries relating to any accounting services, feel free to speak to us personally by calling us during business hours.

Head office address:

Suite 903 Orion House 49 Jorissen Street Johannesburg 2001, South Africa

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